We are Sunrock

We believe we are all part of a clean energy future

Our Vision

We make impact by providing smart

energy solutions

With our partners we persist and overcome any challenge

We bring together 

excellent people and enable them to thrive




Sunrock is the leading developer of solar roof projects in the Netherlands and operates in various European countries. We offer comprehensive renewable energy solutions to a wide range of clients, including commercial real estate developers and users and public institutions. Sunrock's focus on smart energy solutions, such as solar infrastructure development, energy storage systems, and power purchasing agreements, reflects our dedication to providing innovative and sustainable solutions. 

As a forward-thinking and impact-driven company, we contribute significantly to the transition towards a more sustainable future. We are driven by a sense of responsibility to contribute actively to the realization of a sustainable energy system by promoting a circular economy and developing smart energy. Sunrock Investments B.V. is a privately held subsidiary of COFRA Holding.

Our purpose, value and business

We serve our clients’ needs for clean energy both on- and offsite

Develop renewable energy assets on industrial rooftop

Develop at a fast pace

Through our output capacity and solid partnerships

Added value

Sustainability, grid solutions, roof lease, profit share

Advise on complex energy challenges and opportunities


Support on site, both now and in the future

Engineer optimal solar power systems for local consumption with the flexibility to retrofit realized projects

Utilize batteries for off-grid solutions, balancing and absorbing peak demand

Future proof sites for EV charging, Energy Mgmt. Systems (EMS), smart cooling & heating


Optimize asset performance and respond to changing energy markets

Asset management
Owned, leased or 3rd party assets

Energy offering through local solar offtake and corporate power purchase agreements (CPPA’s) to support sustainable energy ambition


Active throughout Europe

From our Amsterdam HQ and Düsseldorf & Paris offices we serve international clients with smart energy solutions 

Strong international client base

448 MWp of operational solar projects serving over 497,000 people with clean energy

160+ professional team

Offices in Amsterdam, Düsseldorf, Paris

ISO 9001 certified company HQ

and Germany

ISO 14001 certified company HQ and Germany

Recognized by peers for ESG leadership


Track record 

The composition of our most valuable assets

The Sunrock team consists of talented individuals, hailing from various educational, ethnic, religious, and social backgrounds. At the end of 2023, Sunrock had a total of 162 employees. During the year, 23 employees left the company, while 53 new colleagues joined.

Sunrock is proud to be represented by over 30 nationalities from across all continents.

Diversity at Sunrock as of December 2023

Teams’ diversity

Total number of employees

Ethnic Diversity ratio

Paris office



Dusseldorf office



Amsterdam office

The term ethnic diversity ratio refers to employees who indicate that they are affiliated with ethnic or cultural identities other than the most dominant ones in the countries where they work.



Employment arrangement

Fixed term (9,3%)

Student (6,8%)

Contractors (5,6%)

Indefinite (78,4%)


Jan 2023
















Dec 2023


Jan 2023


Dec 2023



Jan 2023



Dec 2023






Gender diversity at Sunrock in %














Age diversity in %

Jan 2023 (Total 116)

Dec 2023 (Total 162)













Sunrock’s Operations 2023


Ground mounted







Our PV-projects at a glance

This data reflect the projects actively generating energy during the reporting period. This includes projects which have reached COD but have not yet reached PAC. The commercial operation date (COD) is the first day of the month following the continuous operation of the project. The provisional acceptance (PAC), on the other hand, refers to the moment when the project has passed its initial performance check and potential issues are resolved. Projects not developed by Sunrock have not been included in these numbers.

817,120 modules

2,021 inverters

1,030 kW storage capacity

Solar projects explained

A solar installation, also known as a photovoltaic (PV) system, captures sunlight and converts it into electrical energy. A solar project, designed and implemented well, is a sustainable solution for generating electricity, reducing dependency on fossil fuels, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions for decades to come.

Key Components

Solar Panels (PV Modules): Solar panels convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity. In large commercial or industrial systems, panels are connected in strings of 18-28 to increase the system voltage. Typical commercial panels have a peak power rating of 450-600 watts (Wp). The size of a project is determined by the number of solar panels. A 1 megawatt (MW) project will consist of approximately 2000 panels (assuming 500 Wp panels).

Inverters: Inverters convert the DC electricity produced by solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity, which can be directly used by buildings or sent to the electrical grid. Inverters are also important for the monitoring and safety of the installation. Typical commercial string inverters have a capacity of 100-350 kilowatts (kW).

Mounting System: The mounting system secures solar panels to roofs or other structures  ensuring a stable installation.

On rooftops, the system is typically weighed down with ballast blocks or, if required, anchored in places to the roof structure.

Cabling: All electrical components of the solar installation are connected with various cables designed to safely transmit power and last the lifetime of the project.

Delivery of Electricity

The electricity from a PV installation can either be used directly by an on-site consumer (building) or supplied to the grid via a transformer station. The transformer station steps up the voltage of the generated electricity (typically 400-800V) to match that of the grid (typically 10-20 kV). The transformer also ensures that the supplied electricity is in phase with the grid. If consumed on site, lowering the energy footprint of a building, the PV installation can either be connected to the transformer station or directly to an electrical cabinet.

Solar project overview

Mounting system + ballast

DC string cabling

Panels east-west configuration

Inverters (installed on a facade)

Transformer station

Completed rooftop installations (Maasvlakte ~2,5 MWp per roof)

‘23 Highlight: Levi Strauss & Co. European Distribution Centre goes solar

Sunrock Germany installed a PV system on the first Positive Footprint Warehouse of Denim leader Levi Strauss & Co. in Dorsten, 60 km north of Düsseldorf. The PV Asset on this unique building generates 3.175 MWh, resulting in annual CO2 savings of 1.162 tons.

The warehouse is the first cradle-to-cradle certified distribution center. To minimize its ecological footprint, it utilizes a circular construction method based on recycling, resource conservation and waste reduction. 

The building received the LEED Platinum award from the German Green Building Association e.V. and the WELL Platinum Award from the International Building Institute. 

Sunrock’s team in Germany assesses projects, conducts feasibility studies, and ensures business proof CAPEX. We prepare projects for the PV rooftop auction, build and hand over projects to asset managers, once connected to the grid. In 2023, we conducted over 50 feasibility studies and commenced construction on 15 projects. This is one of these projects. 

‘23 Highlight: Sustainable Financing

Aiming for the best possible offer for our clients, while safeguarding Sunrock’s financial health, Structured Finance & Investments optimizes the business case and financing of the projects. Additionally, they help structure new products and initiatives and perform financial portfolio management. What about ESG? We asked Maarten van Benthem.

“Besides our personal drive to do good, like many Sunrockers, the Structured Finance and Investments team makes sure that projects adhere to the ESG standards of our financiers and investors. Our banks, for instance, have their own ESG targets as they aim to direct their capital towards sustainable companies and projects. To remain attractive for investors, we make sure our projects fit their criteria.”

“Besides reporting on Sunrock's progress to our lenders, we explore whether we can embed ESG ambitions into our existing financing. Some of our banks offer sustainable finance solution, meaning additional benefits when we reach our goals. Together with the ESG team we consider these options. In addition, we developed the business case of one of Sunrock’s ESG+ projects.”

“Throughout 2023 ESG came more and more to the forefront in discussions with our financiers and investors. We have a leading position in this, compared to our direct competitors. Investors appreciate it and are willing to reward good conduct. This proves to us that we are on the right track. ESG should be part of every upcoming business case and financing opportunity.”

Maarten van Benthem

Lead, Structured Finance & Investments 

The Netherlands

‘23 Highlight: Next Energy Solutions

What’s ‘next’? Sunrock’s Next Energy Solutions assists clients in the challenges of growing electricity consumption and reducing their dependency on the grid. How does it work? Lotte de Bruijn explains.

“We achieve this by creating an integrated energy system that incorporates a grid connection, rooftop solar PV, and a battery for storing excess solar energy. By combining our solar PV assets with a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and an Energy Management System (EMS), we enhance the availability of local clean energy.”

“The BESS stores surplus energy to be used when there is insufficient grid supply or limited sunlight, while the EMS optimizes the flow of electricity by managing the PV system, BESS, and other on-site assets such as electric vehicle (EV) chargers. Through this smart energy management system, we ensure the most reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective energy flow.”

“This helps clients to expand the potential for electrification as more clean energy becomes locally available, contributing to net-zero operations.”

Lotte de Bruijn

Head of Next Energy Solutions

Fresh French office:

More colleagues, more cultures

In 2023, Sunrock established its office in France. The business model in France is similar to that in Germany and the Netherlands: we identify technically feasible rooftops and develop, construct, and operate PV plants on them. While the majority of the electricity generated is fed back into the grid, we also strive to accommodate local electricity consumption by the building user for each project.

In 2023, the team consisted of 12 colleagues from 5 different cultures. In ‘24 we aim to expand to 18 in order to meet the increasingly complex demands of our clients seeking to make their real estate more sustainable.  We are supported in this journey by French legislation, which mandates the deployment of solar panels or greenery on all large new rooftops. Additionally, French law in ‘23 requires owners of large car parks to cover their space with solar carports. Legislation such as this, combined with a growing client base, reinforces our long-term ambition to become a market leader in France.