Moving on up

2023 has been quite the year. In ’22, we implemented ESG throughout the organization. Now, it is fully embedded. It runs through our veins. The results are definitely there. But we aren’t there. When we say ’Better and Better’ we mean it. So, let’s hear it for the new year!

Ambitious as we are, we are moving towards 2024 with the following objectives:

The only possible way to achieve these goals is with the support of all people working at or with Sunrock. Our stakeholders and the industry as a whole. With all of our heads, hearts and hands we can make this happen


reduce scope 3 emissions by 5%

long term employee wellbeing program

increase diversity

5MWp ESG+ pilot project

increase transparency of supplier data to 150 companies

develop industry standard for migrant workers

visit suppliers in China

engage with rights holders and stakeholders in value chain

upcycle 30% of post FAC-PV

volunteering day in all offices

implement CSRD process

become B Corp

(and nothing can stop us.)

Moving on up

Sunrock 2023 ESG Report

(c)Sunrock 2024. All rights reserved

Better and better

Reach out

This environment, social and governance (ESG) report covers the period of 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, and was published in July 2024. Additional information about our company and our approach to ESG can be found on our website Information on ESG related policies that were not included in this report can be found in the 2022 ESG report: 

For questions and suggestions, please reach out to our ESG Manager Manuella Appiah at We thank all our ESG working group members, teams within Sunrock and external partners who contributed to the development of this report.